In family

Visiting Fort Saint-André as a family? Discover all our offers!

5 enfants au sommet des tours jumelles

Visits and activities

Discover our family activities

Get ready to explore the fort with your children!

Follow the adventures of Anatole and Anandi as they take you to the very heart of the monument. In french.
Suitable for children aged 6 to 12
Available for €2 from the monument reception desk

And don't miss the guided tours and activities offered by our mediators during the vacations!

The "Rendez-vous en famille" and "Monument, jeu d'enfant" programs offer unforgettable moments of discovery at the fort.

See the calendar of family events

Visite contée à destination d'enfant guidée par une animatrice déguisé en dame josé
Visite contée par dame Josée


Visiting tips

Discover a fortified castle and a 360° view of Provence

Throughout the tour, you'll learn about a soldier's daily life and military fortifications. Enjoy a 360° view of the surrounding area!

Where to eat?

There are no picnic areas or restaurants on the tour route. There are plenty of restaurants in the village square, a 5-minute walk from the monument.

Free admission

Admission is free for under-26s. Make the most of it!

Book a ticket

View price details

Visit conditions

Visit with complete peace of mind!

  • Due to the number of steps, we advise you to use a baby carrier for your visit.
  • Strollers can be left at reception.
  • Bring good shoes
  • In view of the summer heat, remember to bring water, a hat or cap, and sunscreen.